- Packaging
- Illustration
- Art Direction
- Creative Direction
23 Ríos is an Argentinian Brewery. It is located in Mendoza, a province on the west side of the country, surrounded by mountains and traversed by multiple rivers. Outdoor life is in the ADN of its population for whom going to the river is a common plan. From there comes the idea of “The river unites us” which is the concept behind the development of this packaging design.
This brewery looks deep into the sustainable aspect of its operations, they care about natural resources, they care about water. They collaborate with professionals to assess their water impact and have managed to already reduce 50% of water consumption in the production process.
This is why we knew nature and care for our habitats and resources had to be in the equation. We wanted each of its five styles to reflect this idea of unity and harmony, of ecosystems in balance and relationships born out of love. The river is present in all of them, being the key element that integrates the whole graphic system.
Each beer style has its mood and tells its own story. Each illustration represents a different way of enjoying the river, activities that you can do in its proximities are displayed —hiking, camping, running, sailing, playing music— alone or with friends, but always surrounded by nature. We loved the idea of personifying genderless colorful characters that made the line between humans and nature even more blurry because that’s how 23 Ríos think we should interact with the world and every living creature in it.